my heart belongs to michigan

Over the weekend, I was lucky enough to get to spend time in Michigan.  There's a reason the commercial says 'Pure Michigan.'  It's pretty amazing there.  All this time I thought Michigan was only Detroit.  I'm just as bad as those people that think because I'm from Florida, I grew up in Disney World.  How annoying of me.

Anyway, we went camping.  Camping is an adventure all in itself,  but it was also fun to crawl around and find the perfect shots.

I appreciate sitting in weeds to peak around.  Hubs was amused during this shot.

My favorite part of landscape photography is the editing.  I'm able to get so much more creative with coloring when I'm working with a tree and not a person.  In my opinion, every picture should look at least 40 years old.  Most people love crisp sharp coloring for people pictures, though. 

Honestly, how can you decide what the tree is supposed to look like?!  Ahh! I'm in love!

And there were a ton of trees for me to harass with my camera.

I also fell in love with the beaches of Michigan.  I've never been to a Lake Michigan beach, so I didn't know what to expect.  Swoon.  The sand, the freezing cold water, the was dreamy.

And climbing a lighthouse was on my bucket list.  

And is now marked off.

Everything was just so delightful.

Then we discovered the dunes of Michigan.  It's a pretty crazy thing to experience (both the dunes and the duners).

And the random driftwood.

On our way home, I somehow convinced my driver to stop in a place called Holland.  There is a huge windmill and traditional wooden shoe wearing dancers.  It was an....experience.  It's hard to describe it with words.  Windmills and wooden shoes...they are quite a pair to witness.

Then it was back to the water.  More lighthouses, more silky sand, more freezing water.  But this time it was sunset and the lighting and scenery made me drool on my camera.

Stop. It.  I can't even handle the fabulousness of this place.

And I think I want to buy a sailboat.

And buy a lake house. 

Is it vacation time again yet?


About Ashley

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I’m Ashley! A lover of light, foggy mornings, prime lenses, hot coffee, red wine, laughing until I cry, fabulous fonts, genuine emotions, front porches, and making new friends. I live in Lacon, Illinois with my delicious son, wonderful husband, and 2 loyal labs. Please, send me a note and let's chat about this crazy life we are both trying to figure out ♥