sunshine and salt water

I was so happy to be at the beach last week I could hardly stand it.  The breeze, the sand, the's just a marvelous experience.

And the crabs.  I loved catching them as a kid!

And this.  Don't you just love this?

Also, I have a thing for palm trees.  It's a combo of their whimsical look and serene sounds.  

Have you ever noticed the details of the sand? If you haven't, you should look.  It's pretty much natural art and amazing.

Now that I live in the Midwest, I appreciate sand in the toes much more when I have the chance to feel it.  To think, I used to be annoyed by that feeling!

I am by no means a landscape photographer (though I would love to get more into it because I get to see some gorgeous places) but I got nostalgic when I was walking around the Gulf coast while doing a family session.


I'm going to try to point my camera at my surroundings more often.  My surroundings are pretty fabulous.

Oh, and so is this guy.  He took his first trip to see the sea.

Don't forget to enjoy everything around you!


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About Ashley

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I’m Ashley! A lover of light, foggy mornings, prime lenses, hot coffee, red wine, laughing until I cry, fabulous fonts, genuine emotions, front porches, and making new friends. I live in Lacon, Illinois with my delicious son, wonderful husband, and 2 loyal labs. Please, send me a note and let's chat about this crazy life we are both trying to figure out ♥