why I'll take your money

When it comes to running a photography business, the business end of things is usually where I fall short.  I keep all of my receipts but I literally have no clue what my current total expenses for 2014 are.  That really pleases my data driven husband.  And I'm the "no-charge-or-you-get-a-discount" queen.  Oh, your brother has a friend that has a cousin who has a sister that is friends with a lady that has a kid in my class? Of course I'll do your session for half-off!


But then I read an article a while ago that essentially said that photography businesses aren't Target so everyone doesn't get a discount. That made me think.  It explained that, as photographers, we have stuff to pay for and also offer something special and valuable and custom.  I, of course, ignored it.  I mean, I love Target and I was so sure I wasn't selling myself or being taken advantage of.  Psych.  (Interested in that AWESOME article? You can read it here written by one of my most favorite photographers, Marie Masse!)

Fast forward a few months and my beloved 35mm lens began to deteriorate.  Then I flew across the country with my family for a conference which cost a pretty penny.  And I upgraded my camera.  And I signed up for ANOTHER workshop.  And guess what?  Canon didn't give a crap.  They, shockingly, didn't say, "Oh, you have a friend that has an aunt-in-law that works for a Best Buy that sells canon?  Take that $3,000 camera for half-off!"  And neither did any of the other companies.  Jerks.

Not really.

And you know who else wasn't there to help me pay for those things?  All of the people I gave discounts to.  Nobody was knocking on my door and saying, "I heard about your bills, how can we help since you helped us?!"  And I obviously didn't expect that, but it kind of put things in perspective after I ran my business like a charity and then had expenses I couldn't pay.  Oh life, stop being so cruel.

So, where does that leave me now other than in the red? Sitting in leggings and an oversized sweater (from Target), and feeling completely okay with asking you to pay me.  Sorry y'all, this is an expensive world and as much as I love you, I have to take your money.  Unless, of course, you want me to send the costs for my expenses to your home address (just so you know, your session fee will be cheaper!)

Sometimes when I feel guilty for charging clients, I apply this concept in the scheme of my regular purchases.  For example, I have a serious problem with forgetting my wallet when I go shopping.  It's really idiotic.  Recently, with $190 worth of groceries at walmart, I had $20 cash and an expired credit card in my purse with no actual wallet to be found.  Fortunately for me, my husband was in the car and could bring money in when I frantically called him from the register.  Before that however, I was on the verge of tears and they treated me and my buggy of canned goods, produce, and cheap frozen pizzas like I was a terrorist plotting to blow up the store.  There was no discount and no sympathy.  Even from my husband who saved the day but seemed like he was planning on how to kill me with the items I couldn't pay for.  Should I blame them for not taking the cash I had and calling it a day? No way!  Where do you draw the line? Couldn't the next person in line have an excuse too?  Spoiler alert, y'all: it's the same thing as photography.

With that being said, there will be some people I will never charge full price for a session.  Ever.  But unless you have information you could blackmail me with, there's a good chance I'll be sending you bill.  And I value you and I love you and I think you are someone with a super special story to tell, but if you want the story told by me, I have to be able to afford the tools so I can tell it.  And before you think to ask for a discount from me or another photographer, remember we have lives outside of clicking and editing (though sometimes it doesn't feel like it!) and that time is precious.  Time and money, there's never enough of either in this life it seems. :)


PS, if you haven't yet, be sure to head over to my Facebook page so you can see future posts and photography projects!


About Ashley

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I’m Ashley! A lover of light, foggy mornings, prime lenses, hot coffee, red wine, laughing until I cry, fabulous fonts, genuine emotions, front porches, and making new friends. I live in Lacon, Illinois with my delicious son, wonderful husband, and 2 loyal labs. Please, send me a note and let's chat about this crazy life we are both trying to figure out ♥