coffee shop love

Over the past year, I've been making a list of places I want to take photos.  A photography bucket list of sorts.  Like a lavender field.  And a carnival.  And street photography in Chicago.

And a coffee shop.

There's something magical about coffee shops.  People are thinking, and talking, and being artsy in them while drinking beverages with fancy names.  Kevin says my love of coffee shops makes me a hippie.  So?

So I was fortunate enough to get to shoot a session in my local coffee shop, The Coffee Hub (visit their Facebook page here!)  The details in that place are amazing and comfortable and oh-so-delightful.

I had so much fun and drank so much coffee that I was feeling quasi-nuts by the end of the shoot from all of the caffeine.  I kind of loved it.

Also, it's no secret that I have a love affair with black and white editing.  It simply makes the story so much better.

Aren't you craving coffee now? I know, me too.

Thanks for visiting!



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About Ashley

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I’m Ashley! A lover of light, foggy mornings, prime lenses, hot coffee, red wine, laughing until I cry, fabulous fonts, genuine emotions, front porches, and making new friends. I live in Lacon, Illinois with my delicious son, wonderful husband, and 2 loyal labs. Please, send me a note and let's chat about this crazy life we are both trying to figure out ♥