Dear Oak,
Well, you made it to your first change in the calendar year: a new year. It's a reset button in a way. It's a time you can shrug off the shortcomings of the previous year and dream of all you are capable of in the next 365 days. I think January 1st is one of the most exciting days there is.
Now I'm sure you are going to see in your life a lot of absurd New Year's resolutions. You might even make a few. Kick and Create is my motto when it comes to resolutions. What's a habit you want to kick and what's a habit you want to create? I would be very happy if this is the year you kick the habit of pooping yourself and create the habit of using the toilet...and a spoon..and your words. If you don't stick to any of these, don't worry, I will still love you. And I'll still gag and change your diapers and feed you and pretend I speak your language. I'm so fabulous, I know.
Anyway, thanks for being part of 2014. You made everything awesome.
Love you, buddy.
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